산업/경제 [팟캐스트/ENG] Vision Life Holdings on Korea Economic TV: Transforming Textile Markets / 한국경제TV외 유수언론보도 친환경 나염산업 판도 바꿀 기술 개발 비젼라이프홀딩스
TSN KOREA 스포팅뉴스 (The Sporting News Korea) 최민준 기자 | Vision Life Holdings’ next-generation eco-friendly zero-waste “Eco Ink” technology, utilizing Digital Textile Printing (DTP), is being recognized by major media outlets such as Korea Economic TV as a game-changing innovation for the global textile industry. This groundbreaking technology is expected to set a new standard in the global textile and dyeing markets by addressing two critical issues: solving environmental problems and improving production efficiency. The issue of wastewater generated in the global textile dyeing process has long be